USDA Opportunity for Composting & Food Waste Reduction


WASHINGTON, June 12, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting applications for Composting and Food Waste Reduction (CFWR) pilot projects for fiscal year 2024. The cooperative agreements, using remaining funds from the American Rescue Plan Act, are jointly administered by USDA’s Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Selected projects will develop and test strategies for planning and implementing municipal compost plans and food waste reduction plans and are part of USDA’s broader efforts to support urban agriculture. 

USDA’s Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (OUAIP) – led by USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) – will accept applications on until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Sept. 4, 2024. Projects must be two years in duration with an estimated start date of June 1, 2025.  More Info

USDA-NRCS NJ Urban/Community Agriculture Grant Opportunity

The NRCS NJ Urban Grant opportunity has opened today (April 4th) and will be open until June 7th.  The NRCS Notice of Funding Opportunity (NFO), Opportunity Number USDA-NRCS-NJ-CGARD-24-NOFO0001359, has been posted to and is open for applications through June 7th, 2024.  The opportunity can be found easily on through the basic search criteria by using the opportunity number, searching the CFDA of 10.902, or from this direct link: It can also be found by filtering for All Department of Agriculture.  Grant Opportunity Information.

This year, the grant looks a little different than it has in the past.  We are only able to implement conservation practices on established USDA People’s Gardens, but we can more broadly support conservation education and outreach experiences.    The process of getting registered as a People’s Garden is pretty straight forward.  If you are interested, please visit the following site:


The goals of this grant opportunity are as follows:

  1. Provide conservation learning experiences and/or outreach activities related to

conservation implementation to urban and underserved communities.

  1. Support The People’s Garden Initiative at established People’s Gardens by

implementing conservation activities that cover one or more of the following:

  1. Conservation and climate-smart agriculture demonstrations
  2. Storm water control or water quality improvement
  3. Soil protection from erosion
  4. Habitat for wildlife, including pollinators


3. Leverage non-federal resources to achieve positive natural resource

conservation outcomes.

  1. Provide a method to follow-up with the historically underserved growers to

measure rate of success of their participation in both technical and financial

assistance by NRCS staff.

  1. Provide outreach to increase participation among historically underserved

participants in NRCS conservation programs and service




2024 Local Workgroup Meeting

Join us for a Local Work Group meeting as we aim to identify important natural resources issues, concerns, and opportunities within Hudson-Essex-Passaic counties.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide information to help direct technical and financial resources for conservation and urban agriculture programs and efforts locally and across the state.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024
6:00 pm
HEPSCD Conference Room
80 Orchard Street
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Limited space. Fill out this form to reserve your space.

HEPSCD in partnership with USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service

USDA-NRCS is an EEO employer and provider.

Dept of Ag adopts Short Form Basin Summary

Chapter 251, PL 1975 as amended,
Engineering Policies- Technical Bulletin
Technical Bulletin:
Effective Date:
November 28, 2023
Use of Basin Summary Short Form
John E. Showler, P.E.,
State Erosion Control Engineer
To simplify the collection of stormwater basin summary information for use and upload to the New Jersey Department of Agriculture Hydrologic Modeling Database (aka detention basin mapping database) when a comprehensive stormwater report is collected in digital format and uploaded to the database.
Recent adoption of new and revised rules by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection which regulate the design of storm water management systems has resulted in a sizable increase in the number of stormwater basins needed to comply with Green Infrastructure (GI) requirements within NJDEP rules. This has significantly increased the time required by both design engineers and soil conservation district staff to fill out and process these forms.
To help reduce this burden, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture has adopted a revised, shorter summary form for collecting basin data when used with a digital upload of the complete stormwater management design report. If a digital version of the comprehensive stormwater report is unavailable for upload, then the current ‘long form’ should continue to be used to collect basin data.
The ‘short form’ contains the same parent project information such as ownership and location information, but omits the individual basin engineering data (since this is contained in the stormwater report) and instead contains a table with multiple rows where each row represents a single basin and lists basic information such as ID, type of basin, location etc. Multiple basins can be entered into a
SSCC Basin Summary Short Form 11/23
single form within the table. Additional forms may be appended if necessary to accommodate projects with a greater number of basins.
Soil Conservation Districts should make this form available on their website and include copies of the form in correspondence to design engineers to expedite its use, as needed.

[The above Technical Bulletin may be downloaded here .]

Rutgers Cooperative Extension Seeks County Agent III (Assistant Professor)

Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Essex County is hiring! Please share this posting with those who may be interested in applying for this urban agriculture and community horticulture position.


Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Essex County located in Newark and Roseland, NJ (two offices)

County Agent III (Assistant Professor)

Full time Rutgers tenure track faculty position
Responsibilities include:

  • Coordinate and supervise the Rutgers Master Gardener of Essex County class and volunteer program
  • Provide resources and technical expertise to urban growers and community gardeners
  • Deliver educational programming for the public
  • Respond to home horticulture questions from the public


Learn more at:

Farm Bill & Pollinators

NRCS works with farmers to conserve the environmental resources necessary for an economically sustainable business, not just monarch habitat. 

Let NRCS develop a comprehensive, resource conservation plan for your operation and the monarch. 

NJDEP’s Data Miner updated for MS4

Please be advised that the following 5GS construction stormwater reports under the “NJPDES Permitting Program” category on DataMiner have been updated.  See below for details:
  • NJPDES Stormwater Construction Permits (5G3) by County – Added information on the Block, Lot, and Area of Disturbance.
  • NJPDES Stormwater Construction Permits (5G3) by Issue Date – Added information on the Block, Lot, and Area of Disturbance.
  • NJPDES Stormwater Construction Permits (5G3) by Municipality – Added information on the Block, Lot, and Area of Disturbance.
  • NJPDES Stormwater Construction Permits (5G3) by SCD – Added information on the Block, Lot, and Area of Disturbance.