District Information

The Hudson-Essex-Passaic Soil Conservation District is a subdivision of State government, organized under the New Jersey Soil Conservation Act, NJSA 4:24-1 et seq.  As a public subdivision of the State all board meetings are subject to public notice and open to public attendance. Attendance may be restricted to virtual based on current public health guidance. In accordance with N.J.S.A 10:4-6 and 10:4-8 Open Public Meetings Act and P.L. 2020, c.11, the Board of Supervisors will hold public meetings for calendar year 2024 at 7:00 p.m. on the following dates:

Monday January 29 (5th Monday)

Monday February 26

Monday March 25

Monday April 29 (5th Monday; to accommodate Passover)

Monday May 20 (3rd Monday; to accommodate Memorial Day)

Monday June 24

* No meetings scheduled July or August

Monday September 23

Monday October 28

Monday November 25

Monday December 16 (3rd Monday; to accommodate Christmas)

Be advised that members of the public can participate in said meetings by visiting www.hepsoilnj.org and following the instructions for meeting participation.

The HEPSCD will monitor guidance regarding the ongoing public health emergency.  The Board of Supervisors may hold these meetings via electronic/remote/telephone forum and the meeting will be closed to any in-person attendance if warranted. Notice will be posted regarding venue (if switched to virtual) month to month.

New Jersey Soil Conservation Districts consist of paid staff plus a  volunteer Board of Supervisors. The Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District receives no tax dollars and is supported by the collection of plan review and project inspection fees paid by developers for construction projects.

Public business meetings are conducted at the District Office located at 80 Orchard St, Bloomfield, NJ. Meetings are generally scheduled for the last Monday of every month September through June at 7 p.m. Please contact the HEPSCD office at 862-333-4505 prior to attendance to verify the public meeting remains on schedule.

Public meeting agendas, financial reports, and minutes . Resolutions passed at public meetings.

District Personnel

HEPSCD Board of Supervisors

Mr. Matthew Ward, Chairman                Passaic County, term expires 6/30/25

Ms. Jerry Flach, Vice Chair                       Passaic County, term expires 6/30/27

Mr. Gray Russell, Treasurer            Essex County, term expires 6/30/26

Ms. Elizabeth Hite Vollavanh, Secretary :       Essex County, term expires 6/30/27

Mr. Geoffrey Allen                              Hudson County, term 1/1/24-6/30/26

Salaried District Staff 

⇒ Who is my inspector?


Janet Rekesius, District Manager                                                  Ext. 311

Frances A. Aguirre, Office Manager  (español)                          Ext. 310

Salvatore Zerbo, Senior Erosion Control Inspector                 Ext. 316

Scott Howard, Senior Erosion Control Inspector                     Ext. 322

Denisse Angulo, Erosion Control Inspector                               Ext. 323

Danielle Dennis, Administrative Assistant                                 Ext 301

Shamar Vernon, Erosion Control Inspector                                Ext 325

Conservation Partners

USDA-NRCS New Jersey NRCS Directory


Jill Ott, District Conservationist 908-441-7578

101 Bilby Road, 1H

Hackettstown, NJ  07840-1753

Cooperative Extension

Essex County  – Dr. Amy Rowe, Acting County Agent, County Extension Dept. Head


621A Eagle Rock Ave, Roseland, NJ 07068

Passaic County  – Dr. Amy Rowe, County Ext. Dept. Head II (Associate Professor)

1310 Route 23 North, Wayne, NJ 07470


Environmental and Resource Management Agent, Essex and Passaic Counties

Dr. Amy Rowe

Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station

Cooperative Extension of Essex County

621a Eagle Rock Avenue

Roseland, NJ 07068

(973) 287-6360

Professional Services

The Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District uses the following professional services:

Accounting Services – O’Connor, Wood & Humphries LLC

Legal Services – Charles P. Cohen, Esq.

Auditor –  Wielkotz & Co

IT Services – Next Century Systems, Inc.

Labor Law Consultant – Gregg H. Salka, Esq. of Salka Law LLC

Computer Programming – Cortland Computer Services, Inc.