District News

Enforcement Fees to Be Assessed

Take note that, as stated in the HEPSCD Additional Fees & Expenses documentation, the District will be billing starting January 1, 2022, for the cost of district time expended in enforcement of the Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Act. 


Noncompliance /Extraordinary Expenses– A fee of $95.00 per hour for additional inspections required as a result of noncompliance with the certified soil erosion and sediment control plan or for chronic failure to maintain necessary erosion controls.  Projects under construction, which have not provided the District with a Start Notice 48 hours prior to any soil disturbing activities will be considered in noncompliance.  When extraordinary expense has been incurred by the District in order to gain compliance, and the original fees have been exhausted, written notification will be made to the applicant. Such notification will state that fiscal deficiencies exist and will state the amount to be remitted to the District for further inspection and/or review services. No Report of Compliance authorizing a Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy will be released until all fees are paid in full. 

Re-inspection – A fee of $95.00 per hour will be charged when a requested inspection for the issuance of a Report of Compliance is performed and no reasonable effort has been made to complete the stabilization in accordance with the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control for New Jersey.   This fee shall also be charged where temporary stabilization is required but not completed in accordance with the performance deposit application schedule.

Stop Work Order – In the event a Stop Construction Order is issued by the District, additional fees will be charged for reimbursement of legal, administrative, review, certification and inspection costs incurred.  An itemized list of fees will be furnished to the applicant or said violator.  The Stop Construction Order will not be vacated until all imposed fees are paid in full and the site has been brought into reasonable compliance as deemed by the District.   All District fees will be billed at $95.00 per hour.

Notice Regarding Permit Extension

August 17, 2020


Notice of Permit Extension Eligibility

NJDEP PEA Registration Link 

 The registration portal will remain open for SESC certification extension until Dec 2, 2020

Take notice that in accordance with the Permit Extension Act of 2020 (P.L.2020, c.53), soil conservation district certifications of soil erosion and sediment control plans in existence on March 9, 2020 are eligible to have the running of the period of approval automatically suspended for the COVID-19 extension period. This is the period beginning March 9, 2020 and continuing for as long as a public health emergency, pursuant to the “Emergency Health Powers Act,” P.L.2005, c.222 (C.26:13-1 et seq.), that has been declared by the Governor in response to COVID-19, is in effect. The tolling shall extend the certification of plans at least six months beyond the conclusion of the COVID-19 extension period.


Any certification eligible to be subject to the automatic suspension of the running of the period of approval for the COVID-19 extension period must be registered, by the Permittee, with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection within 30 days of the date of this notice. The running period of any certification not registered with the Department of Environmental Protection shall not be suspended for the COVID-19 extension period. The extension shall not apply if a new certification or recertification is required due to changes to the plan or project since March 9, 2020.

Rutgers Cooperative Extension High Tunnel Opening

Rutgers Cooperative Extension has announced the opening of a new high tunnel greenhouse structure at the Passaic County Golf Course. The high tunnel was funded through a grant from the National Association of Conservation Districts under the Urban Agriculture Conservation Initiative. RCE partnered with the Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District to apply for the grant. More