April 1, 2010 * 210-01 Paid Time Off for Hourly Employees
May 3, 2012 * 212-01 Cancellation of Checks
June 28, 2012 * 212.01.1 Cancellation of Checks (revised)
December 6, 2012 * 212-02 Employee Reimbursement for Use of Personal Cell Phone
212-03 Write Off Property Development Costs
February 6, 2014 * 214-01 Banking
October 1, 2014 * 214-02 Reject Bids
November 6, 2014 * 214-03 Award of Bid
January 5, 2017 * 217-01 Corporate Credit Card
March 2, 2017 *217-021 Certificate of Deposit
March 1, 2018 218-01 Cancellation of Uncashed Checks
March 1, 2018 218-02 Definition of Full-Time Employment
May 3, 2018 218-03 Paid Time Off for Permanent Hourly Employees
Resolution 219-01 Banking
Resolution 219-02 Banking
Resolution 220-01 Employee Manual
Resolution 220-02 Vacation Time Carry Over
Resolution 221-01 NACD
Resolution 222-01 Signing Authority
Resolution 222-02 Update Signers Valley National (vacated; replaced by 222-04)
Resolution 222-03 Updates Signers Kearny Bank CD (vacated; see 222-05)
Resolution 222-04 Update Signers ValleyChecking
Resolution 222-05 Kearny Bank CD
Resolution 222-06 Signing Authority Farm Bureau Bank